Current Patients: 978-597-2100 | New Patients: 978-798-6042

The regular cleanings. The checkups. The fluoride treatments. The past dental work. You put a lot into taking care of your smile and your family’s oral health. But are their smiles protected when they’re on the field? How about when they’re sleeping? It may seem strange to think about, but you’ve already invested so much into your oral health, it’s important that you protect your teeth from damage and harm. Lucky for you, Townsend Dental Group has you and your smile covered. We offer:

Sports Mouthguards – Forget about the old boil and bite mouthguards from the sporting goods stores. Your smile needs something more custom that comes from a professional like your Townsend dentist. Sports mouthguards should be worn at any age, for various sporting and athletic activities, and they’re extremely important for kids. There’s no reason to risk their oral health!

Nightguards – Clenching and grinding the night away could be doing serious damage to your smile. The worst part is you might not even know you’re doing it! This is something known medically as bruxism and it can wear down your teeth causing wearing and thinning of your enamel. We can help with a custom, comfortable, nightguard that fits over your teeth to help protect them from the clenching.