When life’s busy, it’s easy to overlook your dental health. But the truth is, seeing your dentist in West Townsend regularly can help catch and treat small concerns before they have a chance to develop into more serious problems. Maintaining dental visits every six months should be an important part of… Read More…
An estimated 85% of Americans will have their wisdom teeth extracted in their lifetime. While this procedure usually takes place in the late teens or early twenties, your dentist in West Townsend may recommend it at any time, especially if they’re starting to cause problems. Even though wisdom teeth surgery is… Read More…
Mouth ulcers are small, often painful sores that can develop inside your mouth in various places such as your cheeks, tongue, gums, or lips. While having one can certainly be an inconvenience and cause a few days of discomfort, they’re usually no cause for concern. In fact, most ulcers heal… Read More…
Cold and flu season usually spikes between December and February, which means we are just entering peak season for these illnesses. Along with the typical symptoms of fever, cough, and body aches, there can occasionally be signs that affect oral health, too. Thankfully, your dentist in West Townsend is here to… Read More…
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common infection that affects the gum tissue. It’s so common, in fact, that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that nearly half of Americans over the age of 30 have some form of the disease. In the early… Read More…
Sinusitis, also known as a sinus infection, can have similar symptoms to a toothache, and you may be wondering which may be affecting you. The good news is that your dentist in West Townsend knows the difference between the tell-tale signs of a toothache versus those of a sinus infection. Let’s… Read More…
Sugary sweets can mean bad news for your teeth. But your dentist in West Townsend wants all of our patients to know that there is a way to enjoy those sweet cravings without all of the damage of sugar. We’re talking about xylitol, and choosing it over sugar may benefit your… Read More…
Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless and odorless gas occasionally used for dental treatment. Now, while not everyone will be a candidate for nitrous oxide, this type of sedation dentistry has been known to help ease nervous or scared patients during procedures. If you have dental… Read More…
Some patients will go to great lengths to get an ideal smile, and it’s something that your dentist in West Townsend is happy to help with. There are plenty of different treatments available to transform any smile safely and effectively. But unfortunately, there are also plenty of dangerous social media trends… Read More…
We always stress the importance of seeing your dentist in West Townsend at least twice a year to protect your teeth from decay, disease, and other tooth troubles. But what happens if you no longer have any natural teeth and wear a denture instead? Should you still visit your dentist regularly?… Read More…
Cosmetic dentistry can transform any smile and make it brighter, whiter, straighter, or more even. There are tons of cosmetic dentistry treatments to choose from, and finding the best cosmetic dentistry procedure for you depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Use this guide of examples of cosmetic dentistry from… Read More…
Most people are more concerned about losing their teeth and having fewer teeth than they are about having too many teeth. But the truth is, it can happen. When someone has more than the usual 20 baby teeth and 32 adult teeth, it’s known as hyperdontia. Luckily, this condition doesn’t… Read More…
So your dentist in West Townsend has diagnosed you or your child with an impacted tooth. What exactly does that mean, and how concerning is it? Not to worry, impacted teeth are pretty common, especially in children and teens. While an impacted tooth is most often associated with wisdom teeth, in… Read More…
Time can take a toll on your teeth, and everything from trauma, diet, habits, and even medications can affect your smile. When this happens, patients may be hesitant to smile as much as they used to, and they may even find it difficult to eat all the foods they enjoy…. Read More…
We’ve all experienced getting a piece of food stuck in between our teeth at some point, and this is common with several types of food. However, if you find yourself getting food stuck in the same places almost every time you eat, you may have something called a food trap…. Read More…