Feel Confident in Your Straight, Healthy Smile
Are you ready to straighten your smile? Do you have a kiddo in your house who’s in need of orthodontic treatment and you don’t know where to start? Look no further than your specialists at Townsend Dental Group for your orthodontic solutions, including Invisalign®! Our Orthodontists have an advanced level of training which sets them apart from other dentists who treat a wide range of dental issues.
The best part is, we provide all of this to you in the comfort of our Townsend dental office with the dentistry team you already know. You won’t have to drive around looking for a referral office. You and your smile can get the orthodontic treatment you’ve been thinking about, in a timeframe that fits your schedule, and a cost that works with your budget.
Why Patients Like You Benefit from Orthodontics
Orthodontic solutions vary from case to case or person to person because every smile is different. Your Townsend orthodontist has additional training beyond traditional dental school and a keen eye for details. We also pay close attention to your facial aesthetics to ensure your orthodontic treatment helps you to feel more confident and your smile looks its very best.
Having teeth that are more evenly aligned comes with more than just cosmetic benefits. There are so many advantages to learning more about orthodontic treatment! Patients are always “wowed” when they finish treatment only to find out that it’s so much easier to:
- Smile with confidence
- Clean their teeth
- Maintain good oral hygiene
- Speak more clearly
Doesn’t all of that sound spectacular? Why wait? One of the most important things to remember about orthodontic treatment is: The earlier it gets underway, the more quickly your problems will be successfully resolved.